Earn money

monetization for twooingers

When it comes to turning your ideas into income, you’ve got options.
From traditional ads to selling merchandise for your fans, there are a lot of ways to use your account and content to make money.

Multiple ways to earn

Twooingers are individuals who produce content for the platform. This is a unique model that empowers twooingers to earn money directly on our platform in a variety of different ways, including through placed advertising, merchandise sales, and many more.


Answer question / solve your locality problems & earn money

Twooing is a place where anyone can ask questions that matter to him and his locality .

Now you can answer them and earn money from it & help your locality to make a better place.


Get customers from your locality

If you are a business or provide services, we are here for you to grow your business. Now get customers from your locality with Twooing


More options to earn

There are always more option to earn in Twooing . From sharing photos, watching Ads, Provide services to your local area


Create and share with your friends & locality and earn money

Every person has unique interests and knowledge to share. Do you have a hobby? Life experience? Do you just like curating stories? There’s an audience on Twooing willing to pay for quality content on almost any topic. Share photos, videos & earn money.


Play Button for your audience

Play button provides another source of revenue. With play button your fans watch ad for you and also for them and they give you investo (Virtual Coin used in Twooing) indirectly while they also earn investo.


Reward Button for fun

Reward button provides another source of revenue while giving fans a fun way to express their gratitude for your content. With Reward button, viewers can buy investo and send you for your contribution . Purchasers will also get a distinct, colourful profile
dp in the reward dashboard section, so you can easily connect with your biggest supporters.


Refer and Earn

Earn upto ₹10,000 by referring your friends to join Twooing. You will receive upto Rs 100 for every successful referral. Your friend will also receive a surprise.


Sell your products

Sell your products like merchandise directly to your fans. Just upload your shop and you can display your products in Twooing’s marketplace and sell it to your locality.


Play games

There are more ways to earn money on Twooing. Play more than 100+ games and earn money on Twooing.

Our Customers

What our users says about us, listed are just a few !

Twooing help me to earn pocket money by doing simple task like creating post about my locality, playing games, shopping from my favorite brands.It’s a great platform.

As a traveller I always love to explore other places & their culture. Now Twooing help me to do that. With Toowing I can visit other places virtually , gain knowledge about that place .

Now I don’t have to visit other city to find students, After being a Twooinger ,Now I can find students from my own locality & save much more time.

"Who are we?"

Twooing is a social media platform helps you  Keeping up with neighbour, friends & family  faster and easier than ever. We give people the power to build their locality better & bring the world closer together. Our products empower people to share their ideas, need, "what's going on their locality", sell products among their locality & make a difference.

Frequently asked questions

Learn about your options for earning money on Twooing, explore what makes the most sense for your account and start earning.

Anyone can create an account  and  monetization programs automatically enabled for their account.  . 

Almost every type of content are eligible for monetization. Exceptions include content that is marked as adult, is promoted. 

We recommend to create content about your locality like

  • What’s going on in  your locality
  • How to make your locality a better place
  • Current market price in your locality
  • Particular location in your locality
  • Best place to visit in your locality

Only post created via

  • Create post
  • What’s going on in your locality
  • Add a video

are eligible for monetization.

Remember that polls,ask anything, sell , find an expert , GIF are not eligible for monetization.

When your account balance/”Converted Cash” reaches above  Rs. 100/-, you can withdraw your money.

You can convert your “Confirm Investo” to “Converted Cash” once your “Confirm Investo” reaches 100 Investo or above.


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